ICL’s Responsibility During the Global Coronavirus Crisis

The COVID-19 virus, along with its significant health and economic repercussions, has created multiple challenges. ICL has implemented emergency pandemic policies and actions to ensure the health and safety of its employees and their families during these challenging times. In addition, as a leading fertilizer and food solutions provider, ICL’s business activity optimizes the timely supply of products, helping to maintain food security throughout the world even during the crisis.  \

In December 2019, a novel strain of coronavirus (COVID-19) surfaced, resulting in shutdowns of manufacturing and commerce in the months that followed. In March 2020, the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a pandemic. Since then, the pandemic has continued to spread across the globe at varying infection rates and has created significant business and economic uncertainty and volatility to global markets. 

The spread of COVID-19  has led ICL to modify its business practices, including implementing policies, health and safety measures and procedures to protect its employees in all of its facilities and offices.

Taking Action - Maintaining ICL’s Operations and Safeguarding Its Employees

ICL’s main challenge during this crisis was to maintain the organization’s business continuity as much as possible, while safeguarding employees’ health and by establishing massive employee quarantines. ICL established a global management mechanism for controlling the COVID-19 crisis in the Company. A ‘Global Corona Coordinator’ was appointed. Due to the challenging and unexpected nature of the virus, as well as the different ways in which each country was impacted, regional and site level corona coordinators were also established. Throughout the pandemic, ICL has constantly monitored events and activities worldwide. 

Each site is responsible for adhering to the regulatory demands of the country in which it operates. In addition, best practices and knowledge gained from individual sites have been communicated methodically across various sites.

To maintain employee health and safety, ICL made multiple adjustments to its day-to-day operations. ICL, as a mining and chemicals company, does not readily transition to a “work from home” style. ICL’s IT team managed to connect employees to allow them to work from home, when applicable. Employees on site also worked in separate capsules to minimize the risk of an outbreak. Transportation and other amenities, such as catering services, were transformed to minimize exposure. In addition, ICL purchased personal protection gear for all of its employees.

ICL harnessed its capabilities and resources to identify and implement various solutions for handling the COVID-19 crisis for the Company’s employees, the communities in which it operates, its customers and its suppliers. ICL provided medical equipment to healthcare systems in many of its regions of activity across the globe. It also utilized its capabilities and global reach in order to provide significant assistance to the Israeli government in a challenging, wide-reaching campaign for the procurement of medical equipment.   

Supporting ICL’s employees during the crisis

ICL is a global company employing around 11,000 employees in dozens of countries around the world which have been affected by COVID-19.   

ICL launched a special information-sharing website for the COVID-19 crisis period, allowing all of its employees worldwide to stay in touch with the organization, receive available information and share local initiatives. The Company also helps its employees to cope with the stress and anxiety accompanying the crisis in general and quarantine periods in particular. ICL employees have at their disposal the active support of the Company’s HR representatives, and the company also subsidizes external physiological support for interested ICL employees and family members. In addition, ICL initiated a new volunteer project for employees, “Lend an Ear”, designed to maintain contact and relationships with the Company’s retirees. 

ICL is challenging its employees to find innovative solutions for this crisis period, based on the knowledge, imagination, creativity and infrastructure available at ICL. The Company established a platform for the publication and examination of solutions that provide a response to the needs of humanity during the crisis, as well as business and operational aspects of ICL and its employees. As of early April 2020, proposals and initiatives were suggested by ICL employees from across the globe – including in Brazil, Israel, Malaysia, the Netherlands, the UK and the US. One example for a successful project was the ICL Terneuzen site in the Netherlands, where employees achieved self-production of a hand-sanitizing product for use in the plant itself, and as a newly-marketed product of the Company.

Assisting with the needs of healthcare systems in the countries where ICL operates

In Israel, ICL recently donated over ILS 1 million to the struggle against Coronavirus: ILS 350 thousand was donated for purchasing food parcels and vouchers for needy populations, ILS 750 thousand was donated to Soroka Medical Center in Be’er Sheva, and ILS 150 thousand was donated for a new respiratory facility at Sheba–Tel Hashomer Medical Center near Tel Aviv. Furthermore, thanks to ICL’s know-how and expertise in procurement from China, a donation of about ILS 250 thousand was made for the purchase of COVID-19 test swabs from China, in coordination with the Israel Ministry of Health. The Company also donated medical protective gear to Barzilai Medical Center in Ashkelon and Maccabi Healthcare Services (Israel’s second-largest health maintenance organization. The Company maintains constant contact with the Israeli government to assist in the procurement of masks, PPE for medical staff, test swabs and other essential medical equipment. In addition, the Company maintains continuous contact with Israeli firefighters and is prepared to supply hypochlorite for the disinfection of large areas. 

In the early stages of the crisis (January-February 2020), ICL donated protective gear to hospitals in China (in its areas of operation) totaling $50,000. The Company also donated protective gear to healthcare services in its other countries where it operates, including in Spain, Germany and Brazil. 

In April 2020 ICL played a central part in a joint operation with the Israeli government and El Al Airlines to procure and airlift to Israel a significant number of items of essential medical equipment – including masks and personal protective equipment (“PPE”). The equipment was airlifted to Israel by 11 aircraft. ICL provided significant assistance to the Israeli government in this effort, thanks to its activities and business connections in China as well as its procurement capabilities and its  experience in operating in various provinces of China. The Company was commended by the Israeli government for the efficient and speedy assistance it provided to the country during the crisis. 

Maintaining food security during the crisis

One of the risks accompanying the COVID-19 crisis, in addition to the immediate health risk, is the risk to food security worldwide, due to the major disruption to the global economy, in general, and to the global food supply chain, in particular. ICL stepped up to supply customer needs as one of the world’s leading fertilizer and food solutions suppliers.. ICL works with its suppliers, customers and authorities across the world to maintain a stable supply of fertilizers to farmers and food solutions to its global customer base, especially during challenging times. 

Assistance with additional community needs during the crisis

ICL views itself as an integral part of the communities in which it operates. The Company continuously aspires to improve the quality of life in these communities and to provide solutions for their various needs. The COVID-19 crisis created new and immediate needs in these communities, and required the Company to act swiftly and with flexibility to assist with these various needs. 

In Israel, the Company promoted social initiatives aimed at enhancing quality of life and community resilience. For this purpose, ICL relied on the existing social infrastructure which it has developed and invested in for many years in order to establish a broad support network. Its Thinking Doing program is a joint community project of ICL, several municipal authorities and residents of the Negev. Activity in the Thinking Doing program drives social-environmental processes while developing and strengthening a regional network of local entrepreneurs with the aim of empowering local communities in the Negev. Thinking Doing has created a stable infrastructure of partners, mutual trust and a wide array of collaborations. This network of partners aided in the swift launch of new initiatives for a speedy response to needs arising from the COVID crisis. ICL has issued a call for proposals through its partners, inviting the general public, municipal authorities and social organizations operating in the Negev, to propose initiatives that encourage solidarity between populations in times of social distancing. ICL has also continued its support of communities in which  it operates in Europe. The Company’s headquarters in Amsterdam initiated food donations for populations affected by quarantines through the Amsterdam food bank, as well as through direct donations to local organizations assisting the elderly, with whom ICL maintains ongoing contact through its volunteering activities throughout the year. Read more about the Company’s initiatives in Europe here.

In addition, in St. Louis, Missouri, in the United States, ICL made a donation to the local Red Cross to assist with local needs arising during the crisis.

Assistance to ICL’s customers and suppliers in Israel

As a leading fertilizer producer, ICL is in close contact with its farmer customers. Due to the restrictions imposed on exports from Israel due to the crisis, many farmers were left with unsellable produce, with flower growers being among those most affected by this situation. As a way to support its customers during the crisis, ICL purchased flowers from several of its customers which it then delivered as special gifts to Company employees as well as to contractor-employees and suppliers who regularly work with the Company.

The Coronavirus crisis has led to extensive economic hardships, especially for small businesses. During the crisis, ICL responded favorably to the requests of several dozen of its suppliers – mostly small businesses in the Negev region of Israel – by making early payments to them. In this manner, ICL hoped to contribute to helping its business partners and the economy in southern Israel, in general, prevail through this crisis.

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